Netplay Baseball Stuff


SOM Baseball Utilities 2025a

Released March 13, 2025

Contains a few fixes and addition of IBB. Still contains fix for those running Windows 11 24H2. See Change Log


* - only available via the Baseball Utilities program

Feature / LinkNotes
Active Roster PositionsThis utility will display list of active (major) players at each position, plus minors, for one or many teams. Also allows you to display fielding ratings and OF mobility.
Box ScoreThis utility allows you build your own box score data from an existing computer game box score. Great for pasting game results into an email.
Combo CardsList of league files containing player cards with combined MLB stats (those who played in both leagues and did not have a combined "MLB" card). SOM has stated they will not create combo cards for years prior to the start of interleague play (1997).
Compare Fielding to RosterThis utility allows you to see which players played a position that is not listed on the team roster.
Compare PAC to PBPThis utility allows you to compare PAC outs with PBP outs.
Create Baseball CardsThis utility allows you to create advanced side baseball cards for the above mentioned Combo Cards or cards you make up on your own.
Create ML LeagueThis utility helps with the process of creating a single Major League from separate American and National Leagues for the Strat-O-Matic computer baseball game. The intent of this utility is to reduce the manual effort in creating a single Major League.
List Games Not PlayedThis utility allows you to see computer games not played within a specific period of time. You use computer Schedule and Line Scores reports as input to this utility. Great for commissioners who wish to notify their league of games still to be played.
List Starting Pitchers from CMThis utility allows you to see a list of starting pitchers set in the CM. You use computer Schedule, Super Hal, and Roster (optional) as input to this utility.
PAC DataThis utility displays PAC file information such as dice rolls and splits, along with graphs.
PBP DataThis utility allows you to get play-by-play files, read them, and determine correct number of outs.
Player DemographicsThis utility generates a demographics report from the Strat-O-Matic computer baseball game Roster Report.
Players on Multiple TeamsListings of MLB Players Who Played on Multiple Teams. Years 1871-2015 are currently available. All files in PDF format.
Schedule RepositoryRepository of computer schedules.
Standings ReportUtility allows you to create a Standings Report with many options.
Rename Schedule Team NamesThis utility takes an existing computer game exported schedule file and creates a new one based on 3-character team name changes. Use with Schedule Repository to modify a repository schedule or rotate teams in an existing schedule.
Starting Pitching Days RestThis utility displays starting pitching days rest between starts, for a team or entire league. Note: The games listed are taken from the CM Starter Schedule and many not necessarily be the actual games started.
Usage DataThis utility allows you to see all players in a league that have x amount or fewer AB, PA, or IP left. You use computer Display Usage report as input to this utility. Great for commissioners who wish to remind their league of players nearing their usage limits.